About Wiise Warehouse OnTime


  • Find out if Wiise Warehouse OnTime is suitable for your business.  
  • Things to consider before choosing to proceed with Wiise Warehouse OnTime. 

What can you do with Wiise Warehouse OnTime? 

Wiise Warehouse OnTime feature is useful for simple inventory-based businesses. When you’ve completed the sales order or purchase order in Wiise, the warehouse employee can utilise the OnTime app to electronically pick and put-away orders. 

You can complete a full stocktake using Warehouse OnTime as well as save stocktakes. Adjusting stock based on your permissions is another feature that is supported in this release.  

If the inventory stock is found to be incorrect, you can adjust inventory using Warehouse OnTime. 

Which types of Warehouses and processes are supported?  

Simple businesses with simple processes are currently supported by the Warehouse OnTime feature. If your business has the following requirements, then you can get started with Warehouse OnTime.  

  1. Locations with bins configured that do not require the the Warehouse Shipment or Warehouse Receive function.
    Note: Support for Warehouse Shipment and Warehouse Receipt is coming mid-2024!
  2. You only use inventory picks and put-aways and not warehouse shipments and warehouse receipts. 
  3. Scan barcodes on products that are set up as an Item Reference Number against the Item in Wiise. 

What are the limitations of the Warehouse OnTime feature?

The first version of Warehouse OnTime does not handle complex processes. Warehouse OnTime will not be suitable for your business if you have complex requirements such as: 

  1. Use item tracking with serial, batch numbers and expiry dates. 
  2. Use advanced warehouse setup to complete directed pick and put-aways. 
  3. Offline ability with no mobile network or Wi-Fi coverage in the warehouse.

Get started.  

  1. There are a few steps to take to get you and your team set up with Wiise Warehouse OnTime. The Wiise Warehouse OnTime End-to-End article provides you with the Get Started steps.  
  2. Familiarise yourself with the OnTime app features and functions.  
  3. You can set up bin locations within your company to help keep track of inventory stored at different physical locations. 

What’s next?

If you meet the above criteria and your business is ready to use Warehouse OnTime, let’s get started. 

If you’re unsure, reach out to your support services partner or read our frequently asked questions. 


For any questions, reach out to us at support@wiise.com