Create a sales credit note 


  • Learn to create a sales credit note from a posted sales return order. 
  • Learn to create a sales credit note without using a sales return order. 

Note: Use a sales return order when you have warehousing options enabled in your location.  

Why create a sales credit note? 

A sales credit note, when posted, reduces the amount a customer needs to pay for an invoice. This reduction can occur when a sales return order is posted into a sales credit note or when a sales credit note is created independently.  

Note: If your location is set up for warehousing, you will require a sales return order to record the return of goods accurately. Additionally, you can create a credit note for transactions to adjust the amounts in your general ledger accounts, reflecting returns, discounts, or other necessary corrections.  

Note: Here’s how to use sales return orders with different warehousing options selected:

  • Post a sales return order with an inventory put-away option. 
  • Post a sales return order with a warehouse put-away option

How to create a sales credit note? 

You can create a sales credit note without using a sales return order when you use: 

      1. A location without warehouse setup; 
      2. The general ledger accounts for sales credits. 

  1. Search for Sales CR/Adj Notes on the top right-hand corner of the page.  
    1. Select the related link. The list displays.  
  2. Select +New to create a sales credit note. 

  3. The Sales CR/Adj Note card displays. There are six fast tabs also known as sections, to update. These sections are General, Adjustment Lines, Lines, CR/Adj Note Details, Billing and Foreign Trade. 
  4. Fill in the necessary details:  
    1. General section, select show more to see more details to complete:  
      1. Select the Customer Name for whom the credit note is being created. 
      2. Update the Posting Date on which the credit note is to be posted.  
      3. Update the Document Date as the date of the original transaction if it is different from the posting date.  
    2. Adjustment Details Section: 
      1. Use the drop-down to select the Adjustment Applies-to document number and then select a Reason Code for the credit note. 
    3. Lines section: 

      Note: In the Lines section, enter details of items being returned or adjustments being made.  
      1. Select the Type of credit note you’d like to create, such as for an Item or G/L Account. 
      2. Enter the correct No., from the drop-down list. You can update the Description to indicate the reason for the sales credit note.  
      3. Update the Quantity of items being returned or being adjusted. 
      4. Update the Unit Price of the item. If there’s an adjustment update the correct amount.  
    4. CR/Adj Note Details section: 
      1. Toggle on the Price Include GST button if the credit is subject to GST or VAT. Otherwise you can leave it toggled off.  
      2. The GST/VAT Business Posting Group and Payment Terms Code will automatically update based on your customer selection. 
      3. If you use Department Code and Project Code dimensions, then you can update them from the drop-down list. 
    5. Billing Section: 
      1. All details will update automatically based on your customer card setup. 
  5. Select Release to change your open status to released. Then, select Post
  6. Select Yes to post the credit note or No to remain on the page. 
    1. The credit will post. Select Yes to view the posted document or No to exit the screen.  
  7. You’ve created a sales credit note.  

What’s next? 

Find out how to raise a credit note using the Cancel action, using the Correct action or using the Corrective Sales CR/Adj note action. 


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