Set up stockkeeping units


  • Learn how to set up stockkeeping units. 

Why set up stockkeeping units? 

Setting up stockkeeping units helps you manage inventory across multiple warehouse locations. You can create replenishment plans based on the supply and demand at each location or for specific item variants. 

How to set up stockkeeping units? 

You can set up stockkeeping units directly from your item card. When you create stockkeeping units, information from the Item Card automatically populates the fasttabs or sections of the stockkeeping unit.  

  1. Go to Items and select the relevant Item Card.  
  2. On your selected item card, select Actions. Then, from the drop-down menu, select Functions. Then, select Other. Then, select Create Stockkeeping Unit
  3. The Create Stockkeeping Unit request page displays within the item card. You can update information in the Options and Filter sections.  
    1. Options section:  
      1. Select the Create Per field drop-down menu to select one of the following: 
        1. Location: Create a stockkeeping unit per location. 
        2. Variant: Create a stockkeeping unit per variant 
        3. Location & Variant: Create a stockkeeping unit per location and variant. 
      2. Enable the Item in Inventory Only toggle button if you want the batch job to create stockkeeping units only for items with an inventory value greater than 0. 
      3. Enable the Replace Previous SKUs toggle button if you want the batch job to replace all previously created stockkeeping units that you had included in the prior batch job. This does not apply to a new batch job.  
    2. Filter section: 
      1. You can see that the filter has been filtered to the item card. You can select the Inventory Posting Group from the drop-down menu to filter for the item.  

    Note: You can add and apply any filters when you’re creating your stockkeeping units in the Create Stockkeeping Unit request page. If you’re creating some stockkeeping units and not all locations or variants you can update the Filter totals by fields.  

  4. When you’ve made your selections, select OK to continue. The stockkeeping units get created in a batch.  
  5. Go to your stockkeeping units list from the item card. Select Related, then select Warehouse. Then, select Stockkeeping Units.  
  6. The Stockkeeping Units list display for your item.  

Note: You can set up stockkeeping units directly by searching for Create Stockkeeping Units on the top right-hand corner of the page without going into an item card. Please note that items need to be created before you can create stockkeeping units.  


What’s next? 

Find out how to set up an item card or set up the unit of measure for your item card in Wiise.  


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