Create a sales quote


  • Create a new sales quote from a Customer Card in Wiise 
  • Create a new sales quote without creating a customer in Wiise 

Why create a sales quote? 

Sales quotes are typically created by salespeople or customer service representatives as a way to provide potential customers with a formal proposal for pricing on the products they intend to purchase.  While you negotiate with a customer, you can change and resend a new sales quote many times. When the customer accepts the sales quote, you can convert the sales quote into a sales order or a sales invoice where you can process the sales for the customer.  

How to create a sales quote 

A sales quote in Wiise can be created in several ways. You can create a sales quote from a contact or a customer card, and by searching sales quotes. To create a sales quote from a contact card, the contact needs to be set up as a company contact. 

Method one: Create a sales quote from the contact card 

  1. Search for Contacts on the top right-hand corner of the page.  
    Sales Quote Contact
  2. Select Contacts, then select +New to create a new entry from the Contacts menu.  
    Sales quote contact create new
  3. Fill in the relevant fields and mandatory red asterisks in the General section (fasttab) of the Contact Card
    contact card general
    1. General section.
      1. The No. field gets automatically populated with a contact number. 
      2. Update the Name field of the contact person or company.  
      3. Set the Company Type. field to Company, if you’re creating a sales quote without creating a customer.
      4. Update the Salesperson Code field to the person who’s responsible for the sales.  
        Sales quote contact plush
    2. Update as much information as you can in the Communication section. The information from here will be used to populate the future customer card. 
      Communication section
  4. You can now create the sales quote from the contact card. Select Process. Then select Create Sales Quote.
    Sales quote 1
  5. A message box pops up requesting you to select a customer template to create your new customer. Select Yes, to continue or select No and a default blank customer card template opens. 
    Customer template pop up
  6. The template you select will be applied to the future customer if they decide to purchase the item. 
    sales quote template

Method two: Create a sales quote from the sales quote list 

  1. Search the sales quote list from the top right-hand corner of the page.
    sales quote customer
  2. From the sales quote list page, select +New to create a new sales quote. 
    New sales quote list
  3. In the new Sales Quote, from the Contact No field, select the new contact you’ve created. 
    contact no field
  4. Make sure to select ‘Yes’ to “Do you want to select the customer template?”.  
  5. Select the customer template that will apply to this future customer when they purchase the item.
    Customer template pop up
  6. Wiise will create a quote without a customer with all the required information from the Contact Card. You can now populate the items and email the sales quote to the contact.  
  7. Select Print/Send from the menu. Select either Send by Email, Print or Attach as PDF to send the sales quote to your contact.  
    sales quote send
  8. You’ve created a sales quote and sent it to your contact.  
  9. When your customer or contact has accepted or approved the sales quote, you can create a sales order from the sales quote.  
  10. From your Wiise landing page, select the Sales action menu. Then select Sales Quotes. You’ll be taken to the sales quotes list.  
    sales quote action menu
  11. Select the sales quote that your potential customer has approved.  
  12. Select Process. Then select Make Order. This will convert the sales quote into a sales order.
    make order
  13. Select Yes to ‘Do you want to convert the quote to an order?’.
    convert quote to order pop up
  14. If the quote was created from a contact card, then you'd need to create a customer first before creating a sales order.  A message will prompt you to create a customer. Select Yes, to ‘Do you want to create customer(s) now?’. 
    do you want to create customer now pop up
  15. Another pop-up may be prompted regarding the customer template you may have applied when the sales quote was created. Select Yes to review the quotes.  
    Review sales quote pop up
  16. The customer record has been created. Select OK to proceed.  
    customer record has been created pop up
  17. The next pop-up prompt will confirm that the quote has been converted to an order. Select Yes to proceed.  
    Open new order pop up
  18. Your new customer has been created and you’ve created a new sales order from the sales quote. 

What's next?

Once a sales quote is approved, take a look at how to create an invoice from a sales order. Once you’ve posted the sales invoice, the entry is registered in the customer card where you can see a list of all transactions and where the posted sales invoice resides.  

If you have any questions, please reach out to