Use Ontime to complete warehouse receive and put away


    • Complete a warehouse receive and put away from a released purchase order 

    Why use Ontime for warehouse receive? 

    Warehouse workers complete the receiving and putting away tasks directly within the OnTime app to make receiving shipments easier. You can create a warehouse receipt, and register the put-away, which automatically updates the purchase order in the Wiise ERP desktop reflecting accurate inventory and improving tracking while reducing errors. 

      How to use Ontime for warehouse receive?  

      The warehouse receive function can be used in the Ontime app when: 

      • a purchase order has been created in the Wiise ERP desktop and is in a released state; or 
      • a warehouse receipt has been created using the Wiise ERP desktop and a warehouse worker is required to update, post the shipment and register a put-away    
      A purchase order with a Released status is created in Wiise ERP desktop.   

      The following steps detail the process that a warehouse worker actions on the OnTime app. 
      1. Login to the OnTime app. Select the Functions tab to see your tasks.  
      2. Select the Receive tile in the Inbound section 

        Note: The number indicated against the Receive tile shows the total tasks to complete. 
      3. Select Open Warehouse on the Warehouse Receive option as you’ll be doing the complete process of receive and put away for your complex warehouse process.  
      4. In Warehouse Receive, select the Funnel icon on the top right-hand corner of the page. You'll need to filter the search to view the purchase order. 
      5. Then, select Source document
      6. Filter Purchase Order as your source document. 
      7. Select Apply filter.  
      8. Select the related purchase order that you’ll work on.  
      9. Then, select Create receipt. A confirmation message displays with do you want to create a new receipt for the selected purchase order.
      10. Select Create to continue.  
        Note: A warehouse receipt is created on the Warehouse OnTime app. You're required to scan the receive bin in the next screen.
      11. Use your device camera to scan the bin. 

      12. The warehouse receipt displays. Fill in the following details: 
        1. Vendor shipping number: This is an option field to key in the corresponding vendor shipping number. 
        2. Container number: This field is displayed when you’ve enabled landed cost in the Wiise company. Otherwise leave this blank 
        3. You have an option to include attachments by taking a photo on your device.  
        4. Add a note.  
        5. Select Confirm details to save your settings.  
      13.  A message displays that details are confirmed. You can select Receipt details to view the details you’ve confirmed. 
        1. Select the + sign to assign yourself the task or select the To do list to complete the take and place.  

        Note: When you see a plus sign on the top right-hand corner of the page, this means you can select the plus sign to assign yourself to the task or the Receive will be automatically assigned to you as soon as you select it.      
      14. Select the related item task on the To do list to action the receive. The item task displays. 
        1. View the item description, weight, unit of measure and the expected number to receive.   
        2. Select Scan item and confirm the total expected numbers to receive. 

          Note: When all items have been scanned and received, the task disappears from your Ontime task.  
      15. Select Confirm when you’ve made your selection.  
      16. Continue to scan the other items to complete the task. 
        Note: You'll be given the option to add an item tracking lot number to your scanned items when you receive them. 
      17. A message is displayed to confirm that the receive is complete. Select Save to save in Wiise ERP desktop or select Dismiss to cancel the save.   
      18. A confirmation message displays that saving was a success.  
      19. Select OK to continue.  

        Note: You’ll be directed back to your warehouse receive page where you can see a list of tasks in blue pending and green showing completion.  
        Note: You’ll need to register the put-away and post the complete warehouse receipt.  
      20. Select the green task warehouse receipt that you just completed. 
      21. Scan the receive bin and confirm details.   
        Note: You’ll notice the items you’ve received are in a green status which means they’ve been completed.  
      22. Select Post on the top right-hand corner of the page. Confirm Post.  
      23. When the receipt is posted, a message displays confirming if you want to open put away. 
      24. Select Open to activate the put away option in the OnTime app.  
      25. Complete the Take and Place in Put Away. 

        Note: The Take and Place process displays for the receive bin and designated put away bin. These tasks in blue are ready for action.   
        Note: The Place process is greyed out until you’ve completed the Take process. 
      26. Complete the Take tasks first, then complete the Place tasks. Here are the steps:  
        1. Select a Take task. 
        2. Scan the item. 
        3. Select the or + button to handle the number of items to Take. In this instance, you’ll select all items for Take.   
        4. Select Confirm to continue.  
        5. Repeat the process for the other Take action items. 
        6. When you’ve completed the tasks, they disappear from your list of tasks.  
      27. When you’ve made your selection, select Confirm to continue.   
      28. A message displays confirming that the Take tasks are complete. The Place tasks are enabled for you to complete now.  
      29. Complete the process for your Place action items.  
        1. Select the Place task 
        2. Scan the bin. 
        3. Select the or + button to handle the number of items to Place. In this instance, you’ll select all items for Place

          Note: Item tracking added is included as part of the receiving process.  
        4. Select Confirm.  
        5. Repeat the process for the other Place action items. 
        6. When you’ve completed the tasks, they disappear from your list of tasks. 

        Note: When the Take and Place process have all been actioned, you can register the put away as complete.  
      30. A message displays that put away is complete and requests if you’d like to register to Wiise.  
      31. Select Register to push this data to Wiise ERP desktop.  
      32. A confirmation displays that registering was a success. Select OK to continue.  
      33. You’ll be directed back to the Put-Away page.  
      34. You’ll notice that all completed tasks disappear from your Put Away tile.  
      35. You’ve completed warehouse receive and put away with OnTime. 

      Note: When the accounts payable team receives the invoice, the team will need to invoice the purchase order and make a payment.  

      Note: You can create the landed cost receipt using the same process written here for warehouse receive.   


      What's next? 

      Find out how to do a warehouse pick with OnTime.   


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