Use Ontime to complete warehouse receive and put away 1.4


    1. Learn how to do warehouse receive. 
    2. Learn how to do warehouse put away. 

    Why use Ontime for warehouse receive? 

    Warehouse workers complete the receiving and putting away tasks directly within the OnTime app to make receiving shipments easier. This will instantly update the Wiise ERP desktop, ensuring accurate and up-to-date inventory, thereby avoiding mistakes and improving inventory tracking. 

    How to use Ontime for warehouse receive? 

    For the warehouse receive task to appear in the OnTime app, the warehouse manager needs to complete the following steps in Wiise ERP desktop: 

    1. A purchase order with a Released status is created in Wiise ERP desktop.  
    2. Select Home, then select Create Whse. Receipt.  

      Note: You can use the Wiise Landed cost functionality to create a Landed cost warehouse receipt. 
    3. The warehouse receipt page displays. A receive task appears in the OnTime app. 

    The following steps detail the process that a warehouse worker actions on the OnTime app.

    1. Login to the OnTime app. You can select the Home tab or the Functions tab to see your tasks.  
    2. Select Receive

      Note: The number shown on the Receive section indicates the total number of tasks to complete.  
      receive ontime
    3. Select Open Warehouse on Warehouse Receive.  
      warehouse receive
    4. Select the related warehouse receipt.  
      warehouse receive
    5. The warehouse receipt displays. 
      1. Review the information on the warehouse receipt. You can see the assigned bin code, document status and posting date
        1. Select the + sign to assign yourself the task.
        2. You can select Edit details to change the Bin Code.  
        3. Select Scan bin to scan the bin barcode. 

          Note: When you see a plus sign on the top right-hand corner of the page, this means you can select the plus sign to assign yourself to the task or the Pick will be automatically assigned to you as soon as you select it.     
    6. A message displays with confirmation that the bin has scanned. Update the Vendor shipping number. You can upload attachments.  
      1. Select Confirm details to continue.   
    7. A message displays that details are confirmed. You can select Receipt details to view the details you’ve confirmed.  
      1. Select the related item task on the To do list to action the receive. 
    8. The item task displays.
      1. View the item description, weight, unit of measure and the expected number to receive.  
      2. Select Scan item.  
    9. Confirm the items to receive by selecting the or + button.  
      1. Select Confirm when you’ve made your selection. 
    10. A message displays to confirm that receive is complete. Select Save to save in Wiise ERP desktop or select Dismiss to cancel the save.  
    11. The page saves your selection.  
    12. A message displays confirming that the warehouse receipt saving was a success.
      warehouse receive
      1. Select OK to continue. 

      Note: Once the warehouse receipt is completed, its status turns green and displays the initials of the warehouse worker who completed the task.
      Note: You can now move the received items from the receiving bin to their designated bins. 
    13. Select the completed warehouse receipt on your To do list.
      warehouse receive and put away
    14. The next page displays. Select Scan bin. 
    15. Then, select Save on the top right-hand corner of the page.  
      warehouse receive
    16. Select Post to proceed.  
    17. A message displays with Receipt posted.  
      warehouse receive
    18. Select Open to open put away. Select Dismiss to cancel the process. 

      Note: The Post process saves the details to Wiise ERP desktop and automatically creates the put away task on the OnTime app.  

    19. You’ve completed the warehouse receive process. Next, complete the warehouse put away process.
    20.  Select Open to open the put away.  
    21. A page displays the Take and Place process for the receive bin and designated put away bin.   
      warehouse receive
    22. Note: The Place process is greyed out until you’ve completed the Take process.  
    23. Select Scan item. A page displays where you can select all items to receive into the designated bin or split the items.  
    24. Select the or + button to handle the number of items to Take. In this instance, you’ll select all items for Take.  
      warehouse receive
    25. When you’ve made your selection, select Confirm to continue.  
    26. A message displays with Take complete. Then, proceed to complete the Place process.
      warehouse receive
    27. Select Place.
    28. Select the or + button to handle the number of items to Place. In this instance, you’ll select all items for Place.
    29. Select Confirm to continue. Place is completed.  
    30. A message displays that put away is complete and requests if you’d like to register to Wiise.  
      register put away
      1. Select Register to complete the purchase order received to Wiise ERP desktop or select Dismiss to cancel the process.  
    31. Once the warehouse receipt is registered, a message displays with registering was a success. 
      1. Select OK to continue.
    32. You’ve completed the put away function for your warehouse receive. 

    Note: The warehouse put away task is completed. The completed tasks disappear from your To do and Completed list. 

    Note: When the accounts payable team receives the invoice, invoice the purchase order and make a payment. 

    Note: You can create the landed cost receipt using the same process written here for warehouse receive.  


    What's next?

    Find out how to do a warehouse pick with OnTime.  


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