Setup Stripe in Wiise 


  • Learn how to set up Stripe in Wiise 

Note: You must be a full licensed user to set up Stripe in Wiise.

Why set up Stripe? 

Stripe in Wiise is a way in which your customers can seamlessly remit payment for their outstanding invoices.    

Before You Begin: 

Please ensure you have the following items ready: 

  • A Business Email Address: Required to set up your Stripe account. 
  • Accurate Business Information: includes your ABN, ACN, and other relevant business details. 
  • Personal Identification: A valid form of ID such as your driver's license, passport, or another acceptable document. 

Note: Please visit Stripe's Get Started page to see which verification documents are accepted in your country. 

How to set up Stripe? 

  1. Select Set up Stripe on your Welcome to Wiise! landing page tile. 

  2. The Wiise Stripe Payments Setup assisted setup wizard displays. 

    Note: You can set up Stripe by selecting the Set up Stripe Payments in the Assisted Setup page or by searching and selecting the Wiise Stripe Payments Setup link on the top right-hand corner of the page.  
  3. Follow the steps in the Assisted Setup wizard. Select Next to get started. 

  4. Select the Set up Stripe Account link and you’ll be directed to the Stripe Connect page.  

    Note: You’ll need to create a Stripe account for each Wiise company to use the payment service. Once Stripe verifies your account, which may take 2 to 3 days, return to the Assisted Setup wizard to complete the setup. Please check your emails regularly to ensure you don’t miss any communications from Stripe. 

    Note: If you select Next on the Wiise Stripe Payment Setup wizard before your Stripe account is verified, you’ll need to wait for Stripe to complete the verification. 
    Note: You can monitor your account verification status on the Stripe dashboard. To view pending tasks for your Stripe account verification, go to Settings on the top right-hand corner of the page. Select Business, and check the Account Status menu. Stripe will send notifications to your dedicated email if additional information is needed. 

  5. When your Stripe account has been verified, the Stripe dashboard shows an updated status confirming that Wiise has access to help manage your account.  

  6. You can now complete the Stripe Connect setup. On your Wiise Stripe Payments Setup wizard page, select Next. Then, select Finish to complete the process. 

  7. Search for and select Stripe Payment Setup on the top right-hand corner of the page and select the related link. The page displays.  

    Note: You'll notice the Invoice Settings fields are populated from Stripe Connect.  
  8. Update the Journal Setup section:  
    1. Journal Template Name: Select a journal for recording your payments. This sample shows the Cash Receipts Journal.  
    2. Journal Batch Name: For stripe payments, you can create a dedicated Stripe batch.  
    3. Balancing Account Type: As payments are made to a bank account in your business, select Bank Account. Or select from other options in the drop-down menu.  
    4. Balancing Account: Select the appropriate account for your journal setup.  
    5. Payment Fee Amount: The account number used to balance payments. 
    6. Payment Fee Tax Account: The account number that is used as the balancing account for payments. 
    7. No. Series: The number series for payment registration.  
  9. You’ve set up Stripe in Wiise. You can now set up sales invoices for your customers.  

Note: A Stripe Payments link shows up on any invoices generated, allowing your customers to pay using their credit card via Stripe.  

Note: Your nominated cash receipts journal batch will be updated throughout the day with all payments received from your customers. You can review and post your cash receipts journals at any time.

Note: You’ll need to set up GST-100 in the GST Posting Setup list. Set the GST Calculation Type field to Full GST. Ensure that the G/L account entered in the GST Account field matches the G/L account in the Payment Fee Tax Account field on your Stripe Payment Setup table.


What’s next? 

Find out how to post a Stripe cash receipts journal when you receive your customer’s paid invoices.  


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