Manage Consent for Yodlee open banking bank feeds in Wiise Australia


Note: Users with Business Manager or Accountant role who had previously provided CDR consent has the right permissions to renew the consent for bank account feeds. Under CDR, consent expires every 12 months if it hasn’t been renewed.

Why do I need to manage Yodlee open banking bank feed consent?

Wiise maintains its status as a trusted software provider and CDR representative status allowing your business to provide consent to continue sharing data via bank feeds for bank reconciliations.

Business users need to be legally able to withdraw consent for sharing their open banking data so that they can control who has access to their business data. 

How do I renew Yodlee open banking bank feed consent?

Note: When the bank account feed consent is within 30 days of expiring, a notification is displayed on the 'bell' icon on the Wiise Bank Feed panel informing the user of the upcoming consent expiration. 

Here are the steps to renew your Yodlee open banking bank feed consent:
  1. Select the consent expiration notification or select the settings (tool) icon on the top right of the Wiise Bank Feeds panel to access the Manage Consent panel to renew the consent status.

    bank feed enabled
  2. Select the bank account to renew consent.
    1. Review the consent status.

      Note: You can renew the consent for another 12 months with an option to review and update your consent preferences if necessary. 
    2. Then, select Renew my consent

      renew consent
    3. Your bank account feed is successfully renewed and updated as Active
    4. As the user who's renewed the consent, you'll receive an email confirmation that you've renewed consent for a bank feed(s). An update to the consent with any changes to your consent preferences is detailed in the email. 

      renew consent
  3. You've renewed consent for your bank account feed(s). 

Note: When you've renewed consent for your bank account feed(s), the bank account feed is updated as Active. When revoked, the bank account feed is updated as Withdrawn

How do I revoke Yodlee open banking bank feed consent?

Here are the steps to revoke your Yodlee open banking bank feed consent:

  1. Select the settings (tool) icon on the top right-hand corner of the Wiise Bank Feeds panel to access the Manage Consent panel to revoke the consent status. 
    manage consent
  2. Select the bank account to revoke consent.
  3. Scroll down to the bottom of the page. Select Stop sharing my data

    renew consent
  4. Then, select Continue. A message displays to confirm Do you want to stop sharing? Select Yes. Stop Sharing.
    stop sharing
  5. Your bank account feed is successfully revoked and updated as Withdrawn.
  6. Select Go back to your Manage Consent panel to view your list of Active and Withdrawn bank account feed.
  7. Select X on the top right-hand corner of the panel page, to exit the manage consent panel.
  8. As the user who's revoked the consent, you'll receive an email confirmation that you've revoked consent for a bank feed(s). 
  9. You've revoked consent for your bank account feed(s).

What’s next?  

Find out how to disable Yodlee open banking bank feeds in Wiise Australia


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