Approve employee timesheet in Wiise Payroll


  • Learn how to approve employee timesheet in Wiise Payroll 

Why approve employee timesheet? 

Approving employee timesheets ensures accurate pay and helps manage work hours and expenses efficiently. 

Note: Employee timesheets must be in submitted status for the payroll officer to approve.  

How to approve employee timesheet? 

  1. In Wiise Payroll, select the Timesheet menu. Then, select Approve Timesheets. 
  2. Select the timesheet entries submitted by employees that require to be approved.
    Note: You’ll notice approved Wiise timesheets from Wiise appear in Wiise payroll to be further processed by the payroll officer.   
    1. Select the Approve Timesheet button or select Reject timesheet to decline the timesheet submission.   
    2. A message box displays to confirm “Are you sure you want to approve 1 timesheet?”. Select OK to confirm.  
  3. You’ve approved employee timesheets.  

Note: You can edit, approve, decline, or delete employee timesheets in bulk or individually and compare employee-submitted timesheets with the Roster. The Compare with roster button is displayed when there are employees who are scheduled to the rostering system in Wiise Payroll.   

Note: You can filter timesheets by the ending period, group timesheets by criteria, view timesheet status or show/hide timesheet costs within the Approve Timesheets menu.   


What’s next? 

Find out how to roster employees using Wiise payroll


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