February 2023 | Wiise Payroll

Wiise Payroll Feature Enhancements

The following enhancements have been released for Wiise Payroll.

Option to Download Super Batch in PDF

The functionality to download a super batch as a PDF has been reinstated and bank payment details has been added to the PDF downloads so that the information can be sent to the customers directly.

New ways to add Contractor ABN Details

Last April a new field, Contractor ABN, was added to the employee Tax File Declaration screen. Initially, this field only allowed for the ABN to be added directly within the UI. You can now use the Employee Import to add in the Contractor ABN details. This allows the data to be added in bulk, either to update existing employees or when adding new employees to the platform.

Enhancements to Locations Functionality

When creating a new location, employees can now be bulk applied to the location straight from the creation page without the need to go and manually do this in another area of the system.

In addition to these improvements, an import function has been added so that locations can be added and updated in bulk, saving valuable time. The location export has also been improved to include additional details relating to the location.

New SOCSO & EIS Combined Contribution File

A new report has been added under Statutory reporting, allowing administrators to download text files for SOCSO and EIS contributions simultaneously. This report is also available as part of the Statutory exports in each finalised pay run.

Enhancements to employee ETP Opening Balances

There are several changes that have been introduced with regard to how employment termination payment (ETP) are recorded in the employee’s opening balances screen. These include:

  • Removal of specific ETP pay categories.
  • The removed pay categories have been automatically assigned to existing categories, see below:
Deleted pay category Earnings moved to 

Pre-1983 Tax Free Superable Component of Employment Termination Payment (Type O)

Pre-1983 Tax Free Component of Employment Termination Payment (Type O)

Pre-1983 Tax Free Superable Component of Employment Termination Payment (Type P)

Pre-1983 Tax Free Component of Employment Termination Payment (Type P)

Non-excluded (Superable Type O) Employment Termination Payment

Non-excluded (Type O) Employment Termination Payment

Non-excluded (Superable Type P) Employment Termination Payment 

Non-excluded (Type P) Employment Termination Payment

Unused Leave Payment (Type O)

Non-excluded (Type O) Employment Termination Payment

Unused Leave Payment (Type P)

Non-excluded (Type P) Employment Termination Payment


The display and process of adding ETP records in an employee’s opening balance screen has been redesigned. The changes are as below:

  • ETP records will now be displayed in a table format.
  • When adding a new ETP record, users will enter the details within a context panel:
    • ETP type: Users can select from either Type O, P, S and/or R, as applicable. Additionally, users can add multiple records of the same ETP type.
    • Payment date: This field is compulsory and must reflect the date the employee was paid their ETP. If an employee was paid ETP earnings on more than one date within the financial year then a record for each day of payment must be created.
    • Pre-1983 Tax free component / Taxable component: A numerical value must be entered in at least one of these 2 fields in order to successfully save the ETP record.
    • Tax withheld: If a numerical value is entered in this field, there must also be a numerical value (that is higher than the tax withheld amount) entered in the ‘Taxable component’ field to successfully save the ETP record.
  • Generate ETP payment summary: Users only need to select this checkbox if:
    • the business is not submitting STP events, due to an exemption; and
    • the employee needs a copy of the ETP payment summary.
  • When adding a new or editing an existing ETP record in the new context panel, a Save button has been added to replace the OK button.

New SOCSO & EIS Combined Contribution File

We have added a new report under Statutory reporting, allowing administrators to download text files for SOCSO and EIS contributions simultaneously. This report is also available as part of the statutory exports in each finalised pay run.

Current Payment Files page has been renamed.

The Current Payment Files page has been renamed to Payments.

New Employer Contribution Type

A new non-reportable employer contribution type has been added to Wiise Payroll. Currently, any amounts associated with an employer contribution are classified as reportable by default. Introducing this new contribution type will allow users to distinguish between reportable and non-reportable employer contributions and will ensure contributions are reported accordingly with the ATO.

Non-reportable employer contributions can include the following:

  • Contributions required by negotiated industrial agreements
  • Matching contributions under a collective agreement (matching contributions under an individual agreement are reportable)
  • To a defined benefit fund (exceptions may apply)
  • Contributions required by super fund rules or a law
  • Extra contributions that the employee could not influence. E.g extra contributions for administrative simplicity or accepted employer policy

For earning imports, you can now import the Ordinary Weekly Pay (OWP) 4 weekly gross earnings as an additional import. Previously, you could only have the option to import the 52-week gross earnings which didn’t include the OWP 4 weekly gross.

The format of the spreadsheet that is used for the imports has also been updated. Now a weekly employee will now have a separate row for each pay period which makes it easier to populate and add if the need arises. The old format can still be used to import but when a user extracts the spreadsheet, it will be extracted in the new format.


Platform Related Updates (Microsoft BC 2022 Wave 2)

Find a full list of all enhancements. What's new and planned for Dynamics 365 Business Central.

Reverse Journal entries from Posted Payment Reconciliation Journals

Users are now able to Reverse payment reconciliation journal entries from posted payment reconciliation journals.

Check payments now allow for Multiple Remits Addresses

Businesses that use check payments will now have multiple remit-to addresses for vendors. 

Changes to Financial Reports

A financial report is now defined as a combination of row and column definitions plus a few parameters. Head to Financial reporting replaces account schedules.

Updates to Bank Statement reports

The Bank Statement report now includes payments that were outstanding when the bank reconciliation was posted.

Variant codes can now be set to mandatory

Variant codes can now be set to mandatory with the options of Yes, No, and Default. This can be selected from each item’s card.

Item charges can now be partially applied

Item charges can now be partially applied, i.e., 50% freight charge on first delivery and remaining 50% on subsequent delivery.

Customise email layouts

For sales, purchase, and service documents, you can now add additional information and control the layout of an email.

Sync to Dynamics 365 Sales

You can now synchronise sales orders between Wiise and Dynamics 365 Sales in both directions.

Set a number series for customer payments

If you use the Payment Reconciliation Journal page to register and apply customer payments, you can set up the journal to use a specific number series so that it is easy to identify the entries that were posted through the journal.

Easier way to update permission sets

Improve an administrator's ability to create, customise, update, and maintain permission sets that determine user access to capabilities in Wiise.

Simplified way to manage multiple tenants

Service-to-service (S2S) authentication for the Wiise administration center API. Service-to-service authentication for the tenant administration center API will make it easier to manage environments in multiple Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) tenants without having to manually reauthenticate for each Azure AD tenant. Automating frequently used operations, such as update scheduling or AppSource app management, will be a significant time-saver for your support team.

More visibility into service interruptions

With this release wave, Microsoft will more proactively inform business users and administrators in cases it declares a service interruption that affects your environments. Business users will see incident details when they try to sign in but the sign-in fails. Administrators will see a notice in the Wiise administration center.

Notification recipient feature retired

The notification recipient feature has been retired as part of this release wave.

New freedom and flexibility to your workspace

Actions added in the new Automate action group in the action bar now rely on personalisation or designer, so that they can be moved, promoted, or hidden. This applies to personalising for a single user, customising user profiles for user groups, or designing a global customisation (page extension) for the whole company.

Updates to Power BI action menu

In this release, the Show/Hide Power BI Reports action is removed, and visibility relies only on personalisation.

Updated Outlook integration 

This release will allow users to share files directly from Wiise.

Share information directly to Microsoft Teams

Share to Teams function available on pages and records.

See Wiise insights in Microsoft Teams

Users without a Business Central license can view Business Central data through a tab in Teams. Admins can choose which users can access data. The Business Central tab in Teams can be deployed by the admin. 

Choose from multiple report layouts

Users can choose which report layout to use on the request page. This will make it easier to use different report layouts for different purposes, especially for Excel layouts. On the request page, users can use a dropdown menu to choose from available report layouts for the report.

Simplify how you switch companies

Easily switch companies from the app bar or using Ctrl + O.

The new Modern Action Bar

The new Modern Action menu bar allows you to see only what you need on every menu bar in Wiise. The Modern Action Bar allows you to keep related actions together and avoids the same action from appearing in multiple menus. This helps reduce clutter and confusion, especially for users new to Wiise.

You now have more flexibility with customising menus to suit your purpose and preferences. This means previous limitations to which actions can be moved where no longer apply, empowering users to personalise pages and configure profiles.

Note: Take the time to train your team on the new menu bar so they know what to expect with the new changes.

Navigation menu has been retired

The Navigate menu that was previously available in some pages has been retired.

Updated UI elements

Different application pages and system controls are now aligned with coherent UI design elements for better user experience.

Posted and non-posted document lines in search

Pages with document lines, either posted or non-posted, can now be found in the Search field.

Legacy views are now hidden

Legacy views that were created by developers in previous versions of Wiise can now be hidden. To do this, enable the ‘Legacy list views are hidden' option in the Feature Management page.

Track items used in projects

The Job Planning Lines page now features an Item Tracking window. You can now define specific lot, serial, or package numbers.

New GST date field

Users can report GST statements and returns based on the new GST Date field instead of the Posting Date field.

Better sorting on the Planning Worksheet page

You can now sort lines on the Planning Worksheet page by choosing a column name.

Extended text functionality for GST clauses

The GST clauses field can now be used with the extended text feature.

Set up data exchange more easily

Setting up data exchange has been improved and is now easier to work with different types of data.

Wiise Bug Fixes and Features

Bug Fixes

Bug What has been fixed
ProSpend (expensemanager): Incorrect Job Task Nos. to invoice lines An issue has been fixed with Wiise assigning incorrect Job Task Nos. to invoice lines imported from ProSpend (expensemanager).
Vendor Pre-Payment Journal batch

In the Vendor Pre-Payment Journal report, the first Vendor name was repeated for all the lines when the Document No. is same. This issue has now been fixed.

Previously when using the same Document No. post multiple payment lines for the same Vendor in Payment Journals, the report Vendor Pre-payment Journal just showed the first line. This has now been fixed.

Sales This Month cue fixed for the Sales Order Processor role The Sales This Month cue now displays correctly when used with the Sales Order Processor role

Issue with Item Charge Assignment Qty to Handle

Suggest Item Charge Assignment (Landed Cost) function now works correctly
Landed Cost Budget – Posting Landed Cost Actual Invoice functionality not working as expected Posting now works as expected

Lines on the Landed Cost page incorrectly being read only for choosing Landed Cost Receipt Number.

 Lines are now editable on the Landed Cost page

Landed Cost - PO line split error.

Previously items with descriptions longer than 50 characters would present an error when attempting to use split purchase line functionality. This character limit has now been increased to 100 characters.

Wiise Feature Enhancements

Wiise Shopify Connector: Variant Creator

Variant codes that are generated for Shopify will now reflect the variant option for easy identification. For example, Item A has Sizes S, M & L in colour BLU. The variant codes will generate BLU/S, BLU/M & BLU/L.

Wiise Shopify Connector: Partially Paid Orders

Shopify Order Imports will now import partially paid orders and apply the partial payment to the order and customer journal.

Dimensions now shown in the Purchase Requisition Worksheet

Within the Purchase Requisition Worksheet, you can now enter Dimension 1 and Dimension 2 directly on the journal line. Both dimensions are now shown as additional columns within the Purchase Requisition Worksheet.

Technical information for partners and developers

Wiise partners or developers looking for further information related to the Technical and platform changes made with this release.