March 2020 | Platform Upgrade and Feature Enhancements

Platform upgrade

v15.3 BC platform release

Upgrade to the current Microsoft Dynamics Business Central v15.3 platform. This addresses current support requests, including:

  • Description transfer error on recurring purchase and sales lines
  • Customer No. field missing in Sales Invoice 
  • Audit trail on Attached Document page


Map Payroll locations with dimensions 

When you enable this option, you'll be able to map up to a maximum of 3 different dimensions to Payroll locations in Wiise. When you import payroll transactions (with Payroll locations assigned) into Wiise, the general journals will be populated with the associated dimension values.

Importing employees with the same first and last names from Payroll

When you import employees from Payroll, employees with the same first and last name but a different date of birth will now be recorded as different employees in Wiise.

Work description field in timesheets 

You'll now find a Work Description field in the Personalise option in the Wiise Timesheets and Manager Timesheet pages. The Work Description field flows on to the job ledger entries as the Description 2 field, which can be included in sales documents.

Total number of hours of My timesheets on Mobile

You can now see the total number of hours for each timesheet in the My timesheet list on Mobile.

Comments field in timesheets

You'll find an additional field in Wiise timesheets and Manager Timesheets where you can add a Comment to a timesheet line. 

Transaction Detail Report improvement

When the Transaction Detail Report includes a Service Contract as a line item, you can now see the Customer Name in the Source Name field of the report. 

User Defined Fields (UDF) availability

UDFs are now available on sales lines, purchase lines, production orders, production BOM and production route.

Added fields to Customer / Vendor ledgers

These fields have been added to the Personalise option in Customer / Vendor ledgers:

  • Sell To Customer Name in Customer Ledger Entries
  • Sell to Customer Name in Apply Customer Entries
  • Buy From Vendor Name on Vendor Ledger Entries
  • Buy From Vendor Name  in Apply Vendor Entries
Resolution of reported bugs

Incoming documents attaching source file to the first document

The source file uploaded to incoming documents to generate multiple documents (e.g. sales orders, sales invoices, purchase orders, purchase invoices) no longer attaches to any document generated.

Rounding difference in Payroll journals

The way rounding is calculated for payroll journals has been updated. This resolves the rounding difference that occasionally causes payroll journals to be out of balance.

Additional information

Remember to uninstall any Per Tenant Extensions (PTE) you’ve developed and installed in your sandbox environment if they were published directly via VS code. Any PTEs that are installed in your sandbox will be removed during the upgrade process.