Set up bin content 


  • Learn how to set up bin content in Wiise. 

Note: You can store items in any bin and set rules for the contents. 

Why set up bin content? 

Bin content offers real-time inventory tracking, helping keep stock levels accurate for better forecasting and restocking. 

How to set up bin content? 

There are two ways to set up bin content in Wiise. You can set individual bin contents on the Bin Contents page or set multiple bin contents with the Create Bin Content Worksheet page.  

Use the Bin Contents page 

  1. Search for Locations on the top right-hand side corner of the page. Select the related link. The location list page displays. 

  2. Select the location code of where you want to set up bin contents by highlighting the row in the location page. Then, select Location and then, select Bins.  

  3. The Bins page display. Select the bin where you want to set up contents by highlighting the row on the Bins page. Then, select Contents.  

  4. The Bin Content page displays. You’ll notice some of the fields are filled with information about the bin.  

    1. Update Item No. Field. 
    2. Select the Fixed field if necessary. If the bin is to be used as a default bin for the item, then select the Default bin field.  

    Note: If you select the Fixed option, you are specifying that the item should be assigned to the bin. This means that Wiise will place the item in the bin if there is space for it, and it will remain in the bin even when the quantity reaches zero. Other items can also be placed in the bin, even if an item has been assigned to it. 

    Note: You can set up several bin contents at the same time during your Wiise implementation on the Bin Content Creation Worksheet page.  

    Note: If you’re using the directed put-away and pick, fill in the other fields such as Unit of Measure Code, Max Qty, and Min Qty fields.  
  5. You’ve set up bin content for your item. 


What’s next? 

Find out how to set up Bin Content Creation Worksheet for your bin content. 


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