Introduction to Purchase Approvals

Wiise Purchase Approvals allows users to request the purchase of goods or services in an internally controlled Purchase Approval journal. Wiise Purchase Approvals uses workflows to direct purchase requests to an approver. All approved purchase approvals will then automatically generate consolidated purchase orders ready for release.

The Wiise Purchase Approvals and Wiise Purchase Approval Worksheet journals can be found under the Purchasing menu.

The Wiise Purchase Approval journal includes the following fields:

  • Item Number
  • Item Description
  • Quantity
  • Unit of Measure Code
  • Direct Unit Cost*
  • Total Unit Cost
  • Location Code
  • Vendor No.
  • Vendor Name
  • Requester ID
  • Approver Name
  • Priority
  • Status
  • Purchase Order Status
  • Purchase Order No.

Note: The Direct Unit Cost field will only populate for items that have been requested at least once before and the Purchase Order has been invoiced. For items being requested for the first time, the Direct Unit Cost field will show a default value of 0. Here’s how you can get around this:

  • You can set the purchase price for items without a purchase history using the Purchase Price functionality in Wiise.
  • Alternatively, you can approve the purchase requisition without the unit cost and manually update the purchase order with the appropriate amount.
The Approval User Setup page includes a brand-new field:
  • Purchase Request Approval

The Role Center will now include a new tile:

  • Requests Requisitions Request to Approve

Find instructions on setting up and using Wiise Purchase Approvals.