How to set up Landed Cost

How to set up Landed Cost
  1. From the Wiise role centre (homepage) navigation menu, select Landed Cost, then select Landed Cost Setup. Alternatively, you can search for and select Landed Cost Setup
  2. In Landed Cost Nos., click on the drop down list and select the respective number series. 
  3. If there's no existing number series, you can create one like this: 
    1. Select New 
    2. In the No. Series List page, enter your preferred code for the Landed Cost Receipt number series. For example, L-COST. 
  4. Next, select the Starting No. field and add these details:  
  5. Starting Date of the number series
  6. Starting No. of the number series 
  7. Ending No. of the number series 
  8. Warning No.: This is when you want to receive a warning that the number series is running out 
  9. Increment-By No. is the interval in the number series. 
  10. Repeat from step 2 for Posted Landed Cost Nos. 
  11. You can now return to the Landed Cost Setup and enable both number series. 
  12. To finish, select Enabled to activate the Landed Cost functionality. 
How to set up landed Cost Locations

When you set up locations used for Landed Cost, you'll need to include a warehouse activity for when items are received. 

  1. From the Wiise role centre, search for and select Locations.
  2. In the Locations window, select an existing record or select New to create new location card.
  3. In the Warehouse section, select the Require Receive button to enable a Landed Cost Receipt to be created when items are received at a warehouse.
How to set up warehouse employees to use Landed Cost

Before an employee can use Landed Cost receipts, they need to be set up as a Warehouse Employee. You can assign them to one default location, plus additional non-default locations. 

  1. Search for and select Warehouse Employees. This will open a table where you can assign a location to each user ID.
  2. In the USER ID field, select ... to select the employee you want to add as a warehouse employee. Then select OK.  
  3. In LOCATION CODE, select the location where the user will be working.
  4. Then select the DEFAULT check box to allocate a default location to an employee. 

Note: If an employee needs to access multiple warehouse locations, you'll need to set up their User ID multiple times with different location codes. 

How to set up items to work out Landed Cost

The landed cost of your items is calculated based on weight, volume, duty, etc. Make sure your importing costs are calculated correctly by providing this information about your items.

  1. From the Wiise role centre, search for and select Items
  2. On the Items page, select an existing item or select New to create new item card. 
  3. Fill in the Item card
  4. In the Warehouse section, update the following fields: 
    • Duty code 
    • Duty due % 
    • Unit volume 
    • Net weight 

If you receive a purchase order without this information, you can edit the Item card. Here's how:

  1. In the Item card, fill in the fields you want to include in the calculation.
  2. Then run the Landed Cost batch job from either the Posted Purchase Receipt or Purchase Invoice windows. Select Actions > Landed Cost.
  3. This will update received purchase orders with weight, volume or duty for that item.  
How to set up item charges for Landed Cost

An item charge could be freight, insurance, or other additional charges related to the item.  

You'll need to set up item charges with the Apportion Method. This is so you can see the different landed costs associated with importing goods. And understand how the costs are distributed among the received items.  

You can use an item charge to: 

    • Identify the Landed Cost of an item to make accurate decisions to improve your distribution network 
    • Break down the unit cost or unit price of an item for analysis and reporting
    • Include purchase allowances into the unit cost, and sales allowances into the unit price 

You can set up an unlimited number of item charges depending on your business requirements. 

Here's how to set up an item charge: 

  1. From the Wiise role centre, search for and select Landed Cost Item Charges
  2. In the Landed Cost Item Charges window, select New to create a new line. 
  3. Fill in the fields. 
  4. In the Apportion Method field, select the options you want to allocate the landed cost by: 
    • Amount 
    • Quantity 
    • Weight 
    • Volume 
    • Duty 
    • Equal