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How to quickly enter dates, times and amounts using shortcuts

How to enter dates

To enter a date in a date field, like an invoice due date for example, you can either select a date from a calendar or enter it manually. 

  • To display the calendar date picker, select the calendar icon or press Ctrl + Home.  
  • If you want to enter the date manually, you can enter two, four, six, or eight digits: 
    • Two digits: 02 for example - this is interpreted as the day - it will add the month and the year based on the work date 
    • Four digits: 0203 for example - this is interpreted as the day and the month, and it will add the year of the work date
    • If the date you want to enter is in the range 01/01/1930 through 12/31/2029, you can enter the year with two digits; otherwise, enter the year with four digits 
    • You don’t need to type / or . You can just enter the whole numbers 

Enter dates faster with these shortcuts

Save time entering common dates with these handy codes: 

  • t: Today’s date 
  • p: p means the first accounting period, p2 the second accounting period etc. This is used for date filters to show a date range. 
  • w: The work date set in My Settings. You may want to use a work date if you have many transactions with a date other than today's date 
  • m or Monday will be Monday of the current week  
  • we or Wednesday will be Wednesday of the current week 
  • su or Sunday will be Sunday of the current week 
  • Use tu for Tuesday, th for Thursday, f for Friday and s for Saturday 

How to work out amounts in quantity fields

When you enter amounts into quantity fields, such as a payment total on a journal line, you can save time by entering the calculation instead of the total quantity.  Get Wiise to do the maths for you!

It works like this: 

  • If you enter 19+19, the field is calculated to 38. 
  • If you enter 41-9, the field is calculated to 32. 
  • If you enter 12*4, the field is calculated to 48. 
  • If you enter 12/4, the field is calculated to 3. 

How to enter times

The most common reason you'll need to enter times in Wiise is when you're filling in a timesheet. When you enter times on a timesheet, you don’t have to write minutes, seconds, or AM/PM. Here are some options to speed your timesheet entry up:  

  • 5 = 05.00.00 
  • 5:30 = 05.30.00 
  • 0530 = 05.30.00 

How to record transactions on a different work date

If you need to record transactions, like payments made or received, using a date that’s different from today's date, you can change the work date (the date that Wiise will record on your transactions each day). This is useful if you ever need to backdate a bunch of invoices for example. 

You can easily change the work date on the My Settings page. 

  • Press Alt+T to open My Settings
  • Update the work date there

Remember if you don’t change the work date, the current date will be the default date on your documents and transactions.

Whenever the work date isn’t set to today's date, Wiise will show you a notification to check that’s ok with you.  

Tip: When you’re entering the work date in a document, you can just enter 'w' or 'work'