How to match a customer payment to an invoice

Why apply customer payment to an invoice after payment receipt?

Sometimes, you may have posted receipt of a customer payment, but not matched it to an invoice.  This might be because you haven’t had time to find the right invoice, or you didn’t know what the payment was for when it was recorded.  

How to apply customer payment after recording receipt of payment

In Wiise, an invoice is called a 'sales invoice', and matching the payment is called 'applying' a payment.

Here's how to apply a recorded payment to a sales invoice. 

1. First, log into Wiise.

2. Then from the role centre, which is the front page in Wiise, select Customers. This displays your list of customers. 

3. Select Search and type the customer’s name or customer number.

4. Select the customer you want to allocate the posted receipt to. You'll see the Customer Card

5. Select More Options on the menu bar, select Related, select History, then select Ledger Entries.  This displays the list of Customer Ledger Entries

6. Find and select the entry that you want to apply the receipt to (the Document Type will be Payment).

7. Select Process in the menu bar and select Apply Entries.  The Apply Customer Entries page will display, showing all the outstanding invoices for that customer. 

8. Select the invoice that you want to allocate the receipt to.

9. To allocate the receipt to the invoice, select Process in the menu bar and select Set Applies-to ID.   

  • Your user ID will display in the Applies-to ID field to show that it’s been allocated.  
  • The Balance field on the bottom right of the page will calculate the amount not yet allocated. 

10. To complete the application, select Process in the menu bar and select Post Application.   

11. You'll need to confirm the Posting Date of the application and then select OK.

12. Wiise will complete the application and take you back to the Customer Ledger Entries.  You’ll notice that the invoice and payment have been applied and the Remaining Amount value will be updated.