How to install Wiise updates if you have restricted access

If you have restricted access to your Wiise environment, you will need to manually install Wiise updates to take advantage of new Wiise features, bug fixes and updates.
The following process outlines the steps you’ll need to take to update your Wiise account. This will need to be completed by someone in your organisation with access to your admin centre.
We recommend running the update outside of business hours when no employees are logged in or using Wiise and no long-running processes are active.

What to do:

  1. Log into your Dynamics 365 Business Central Administration Center
  2. Select Environments to view the list of environments
  3. Next to your Wiise environment, you should see an option to Install Update
  4. Select Install Update
What happens next:
The updates will apply automatically and you won’t need to do anything further
You will see the new version number against your Wiise environment
You should be able to log in to your Wiise environment as usual