Overview of tenant customisation
Before you continue, we recommend have a strong understanding of:
- The Business Central solution
- Docker (images and containers)
- VS code
- AL language
- Powershell
- A Wiise tenant and sandbox
- Visual Studio Code
- The AL language extension for Visual Studio Code (Version 2.0.4188 or later). You can get this by using a Business Central AU docker image, described in hub.docker.com
All Wiise tenant customisations are based on standard Business Central. Find more information here devenv-dev-overview
Overview of steps involved
Here's an overview of steps you'll follow to create a tenant customisation:
- Set up a Wiise sandbox environment
- Create new AL solution devenv-get-started
- Change Solution Setup (see section below)
- Download Symbols
- Customise or create solution
- Build and compile the solution
- Sign the app (see section below)
- Deploy the app (see section below)
launch.json devenv-json-files
Important settings:
- tenant: this is the name of the Wiise tenant or domain. If you're not sure, use the last part of the email address accessing Wiise username@yourdomain.onmicrosoft.com or username@yourdomain.com.au
- serverInstance: this must be a sandbox as symbols can't be downloaded from a live tenant
- applicationFamily: this must be Wiise so that it can access the correct base code
"version": "0.2.0",
"configurations": [
"type": "al",
"request": "launch",
"name": "Wiise Australia",
"server": "https://wiise.bc.dynamics.com",
"serverInstance": "sandbox",
"tenant": "yourdomain.onmicrosoft.com",
"authentication": "AAD",
"breakOnError": true,
"breakOnRecordWrite": false,
"applicationFamily": "wiise"
app.json devenv-json-files
Important settings:
- platform: this is the current base platform Wiise runs (this setting will change in the future)
- application: this is the current base platform Wiise runs (this setting will change in the future)
- idRange: tenant customisations can only occur between the range of 50000-99999 devenv-object-ranges
- features: translationsFile is a needed in order to build the app
- runtime: is the runtime of the base application wiise runs (this setting will change in the future)
"id": "3715b64a-7b70-4f53-af21-cce8b224da03",
"name": "Your App Name",
"publisher": "Your Company Name",
"brief": "Partner Customisation",
"description": "Partner Customisation",
"version": "",
"privacyStatement": "",
"EULA": "",
"help": "",
"url": "",
"logo": "",
"capabilities": [],
"dependencies": [],
"screenshots": [],
"platform": "",
"application": "",
"idRange": {
"from": 50000,
"to": 50149
"features": [
"runtime": "1.0"
App Signing
Please follow the steps in the standard Microsoft documentation self-signed-certificate.
Deploying .app file
Please follow the steps in the standard Microsoft documentation steps-for-deploying-your-app-file.
You should now have a new extension in the Wiise tenant which you can see in Extension Management.