How to change the item journals for Wiise Warehouse OnTime


Learn about the item journals on Wiise Warehouse OnTime and how to change them, if required.

  1. Why do I need to change an item journal?
  2. How to change the item journal for a company level
  3. How to change the physical item journal for a company level
  4. How to change the item journal to a user level
  5. How to change the physical item journal to a user level
  6. Why are there specific templates to use?

Why do I need to change an item journal?

When you enable the OnTime app, the item journal batch and physical item journal batch will both be automatically populated. The item journals will be a default journal that is synced to your OnTime application.

Each user will also get their own default item journal synced to their User ID. Their item journal will sync all inventory adjustments in relation to picks, put away, stocktakes, and positive and negative adjustments.

During the setup, these will be set for both the company level and the user level. These won’t have to be changed but the option is available.

How to change the item journal for a company level

  1. Open Wiise ERP Desktop, search for and open Wiise Warehouse OnTime.

  2. Select the Edit button (pencil icon) on the top command bar.

  3. Select the three dots next to Item Journal Batch. This is found under the User Transactions fast tab.

  4. You will now see the Item Journal Template List. Select WH Item Journal Template from the list and select OK.

  5. Select the Item Journal Batch you wish to use from the open template or select +New from the top menu bar to create a new item journal batch to use.

  6. Select OK to save the item journal.

  7. Select the Edit button (pencil icon) on the top command bar on the Mobile Application page to lock editing.

How to change the physical item journal for a company level

  1. Open Wiise ERP Desktop, search for and open Wiise Warehouse OnTime.

  2. Select the Edit button (pencil icon) on the top command bar.

  3. Select the three dots next to Phys. Item Journal Batch. This is found under the User Transactions fast tab.

  4. You will now see the Item Journal Template List. Select WH-PH-INV from the list and select OK.

  5. Select the Phys. Item Journal Batch you wish to use from the open template or select +New from the top menu bar to create a new item journal batch to use.

  6. Select OK to save the item journal.

  7. Select the Edit button (pencil icon) on the top command bar on the Wiise Warehouse OnTime page to lock editing.

How to change the item journal to a user level

  1. Open Wiise ERP Desktop, search for and open Wiise Warehouse OnTime.

  2. Select Mobile Users from the top menu bar. Select User Management from the drop-down.

  3. Select the User ID you wish to change the item journal for.

  4. You will now see the user’s card. Select the Edit button (pencil icon) on the top command bar.

  5. Select the three dots next to Item Journal Batch. This is found under the User Transactions fast tab.

  6. You will now see the Item Journal Template List. Select WH Item Journal Template from the list and select OK

  7. Select the Item Journal Batch you wish to use from the open template or select +New from the top menu bar to create a new item journal batch to use.

  8. Select OK to save the item journal.

  9. Select the Edit button (pencil icon) on the top command bar on the user's card page to lock editing.

  10. All documents now posted or saved by the user will be synced to the new item journal batch.

How to change the physical item journal to a user level

  1. Open Wiise ERP Desktop, search for and open Wiise Warehouse OnTime.

  2. Select Mobile Users from the top menu bar. Select User Management from the drop-down.

  3. Select the User ID you wish to change the item journal for.

  4. You will now see the user’s card. Select the Edit button (pencil icon) on the top command bar.

  5. Select the three dots next to Item Journal Batch. This is found under the User Transactions fast tab.

  6. You will now see the Item Journal Template List. Select WH-PH-INV from the list and select OK.

  7. Select the Item Journal Batch you wish to use from the open template or select +New from the top menu bar to create a new item journal batch to use.

  8. Select OK to save the item journal.

  9. Select the Edit button (pencil icon) on the top command bar on the user's card page to lock editing.

  10. All documents now posted or saved by the user will be synced to the new item journal batch.

Why are there specific templates to use?

The item journal templates, WH Item Journal Template and WH-PH-INV, have been set up to be used with OnTime. If you wish to change the item journals for OnTime, use either of these item journal templates when selecting the template from the list.