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Changes to Permissions between platform upgrades

Permissions changing in v21.2 and what you need to do

Some permissions will change when we upgrade the platform from version v20.2 to v21.2. In light of these changes, we recommend urgently reviewing any customised permissions sets.

Note: If you haven’t created any customised permissions, there is nothing to action. 

The details of the permissions that will change when we upgrade the platform from version v20.2 to v21.2 are included in the file that you can download below

Download the full list of changes to permissions in v21.2

Permissions changing in v20.2 and what you need to do

Some permissions will change when we upgrade the platform from version v19.3 to v20.2. In light of these changes, we recommend urgently reviewing any customised permissions sets.

Note: If you haven’t created any customised permissions, there is nothing to action. 

The granular details of the permissions that will change when we upgrade the platform from version v19.3 to v20.2 are captured in the file that you can download below

Here's a quick overview of what's in the file and the actions to take:

  • Column P indicates whether a permission is updated, added, or removed.
  • Columns D to I show permissions in v20.2, while columns J to O show permissions in v19.3.
  • Wiise permissions have changed from Permission Scope of Tenant to System. If you have added Wiise Permission Set to a user in addition to the Wiise permissions assigned by the User Group, you will need to validate these User Permission Sets and add them again if the permission set is listed in red.

Download the full list of changes to permissions in v20.2

Permissions changing in v19.1 and what you need to do

Some permissions will change when we upgrade the platform from version v18.5 to v19.1. In light of these changes, we recommend taking the below steps:

  • Review any customised permissions sets ahead of January's major release. 
  • Review and amend any existing customised permissions sets in your WiiseSandbox environments once they've been upgraded to v19.1. 
  • You will then be able to export these changes and import them into production once the upgrade goes ahead on Thursday night, 20 January 2022.

Note: If you haven’t created any customised permissions, there is nothing to action. 

The granular details of the permissions that will change when we upgrade the platform from version v18.5 to v19.1 are captured in the file that you can download below

Download the full list of changes to permissions in v19.1

Here's a quick overview of what's in the file below:

  • Column P in the file indicates whether a permission is updated, deleted, or new permissions.
  • Columns D to I show permissions in v19.1, while columns J to O show permissions in v18.5.
  • No permission sets have been deleted but four new permission sets have been added: