About Power BI

How to use Power BI reports with Wiise and BC

Microsoft has discontinued the contact packs for Power BI in Wiise and Business Central. You're not able to embed Power BI into Wiise and Business Central.

Creating Power BI Reports for Displaying List Data in Business Central explains how you can use Power BI as a standalone reporting tool that you can connect to Wiise and Business Central.

Additional information

  1. Check out this article Announcing Power BI template apps general availability for updated information on Power BI and Business Central from Microsoft.
  2. Find out more about Using Service to Service Authentication - Business Central | Microsoft Docs from Microsoft Docs.
  3. Find out more about Using OAuth to Authorize Business Central Web Services (OData and SOAP) from Microsoft Docs.

How to test an API

1. You can access the APIs using any library of your choosing. We use Postman for this purpose.

2. Open Postman and create a new Get request by typing this URL on your internet browser: [https://wiise.api.bc.dynamics.com/v2.0/[tenant_id]/api/v2.0/companies]

3. Configure OAuth and create an access token

    1. Under the Authorization tab, set Type to OAuth 2.0.
    2. Under Add authorization data to, choose Request Headers.
    3. Enter a Token Name.
    4. Under Grant Type, choose Client Credentials.
    5. Under Access Token URL, enter: [https://login.microsoftonline.com/[tenant_id]/oauth2/v2.0/token]
    6. Your Client ID is the Application (client) ID you copied from the Azure Active Directory app.
    7. Your Client Secret is the client secret Value you copied from the Azure Active Directory app.
    8. Under Scope, enter: [https://api.businesscentral.dynamics.com/.default in the field].
    9. Under Client Authentication, choose Send Client Credentials in body.
    10. Select Get New Access Token.
    11. Choose Use Token.

Send your API requests

You can now send your request.


How to create an API for Wiise

To find out how to create an API for Wiise, check out Microsoft Doc article Welcome to the API(v2.0) for Business Central.


How to access API endpoints

APIs in Wiise are automatically enabled. The common endpoint services for Wiise APIs are below. Enter the below URL, insert your tenant id where specified on your internet browser.

    • Production: [https://wiise.api.bc.dynamics.com/v2.0/[tenant id]/api/v2.0]
    • Sandbox: [https://wiise.api.bc.dynamics.com/v2.0/[tenant id]/sandbox/api/v2.0]

Here's more information on how to enable and access API endpoints on Microsoft Docs.

How to retrieve data using the Common Data Service

To retrieve data for an entity set, Wiise APIs use the Common Data Service as explained in Query Data using the Web API.

For example, here's how you'd retrieve an Item ID by Item No.:

[https://wiise.api.bc.dynamics.com/v2.0/[tenant id]/api/v2.0/companies([company id])/items?$select=id&$filter=number eq '1906-S']